Evolution of KSM&SRA

The Karnataka State Medical and Sales Representatives’ Association (KSM&SRA) is a Registered Trade Union Organization that advocates for the rights of sales promotion employees, commonly known as Medical and Sales Representatives. Affiliated with both the Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives’ Associations of India (FMRAI) and CITU, our national federation, FMRAI, celebrated its Diamond Jubilee, marking 60 years of existence.

The KSM&SRA has completed more than 55 years of dedicated service and has successfully conducted 26 state conferences, which are held biennially, once every two years. These conferences serve as significant platforms for the exchange of ideas and the advancement of the organization's goals and mission.

Throughout our 55-year journey, we have surmounted numerous obstacles and fought for the interests of both sales promotion employees and the general public. Our relentless efforts led to the enactment of the Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Services) Act, 1976, which granted statutory benefits like EPF, ESI, minimum wages, and gratuity to Sales Promotion Employees.

Our organization has also been at the forefront of various people-oriented campaigns. We have raised concerns about amendments to the Indian PATENT Act of 1970, high drug prices, excessive profit margins of pharmaceutical companies, and corrupt practices within the pharmaceutical industry.

As a progressive trade union, we have consistently worked towards job security for all Medical & Sales Representatives and the enforcement of labour laws applicable to them. We are the sole trade union for the Medical & Sales Representatives in Karnataka affiliated with FMRAI an all India union which is consistently advocating for public health, including efforts to reduce drug prices, eliminate GST on medicines and medical devices, combat black marketing and unethical medicine trading, remove excise duty on essential medicines, bring all essential drugs under price control, and support public sector drug and vaccine manufacturing companies. Additionally, we frequently support healthcare professionals by organizing blood donation and medical camps for the benefit of the underprivileged and needy people.

Despite the presence of a dedicated act for Sales Promotion Employees, its complete implementation is still pending. The KSM&SRA, along with all India state units under the banner of FMRAI, continues to make persistent efforts for the enforcement of the SPE Act.

Evolution and Growth of FMRAI

FMRAI, founded in 1963, has grown into a prominent national trade union for Sales Promotion Employees with 19 state units and around 388 sub-units. Its membership exceeded one lakh in 2017. It collaborates with central trade unions, played a key role in the 1976 Sales Promotion Employees' Act, and gained recognition from companies for field worker rights. FMRAI campaigns for labour laws, fights for employee rights, and addresses pandemic-induced job security challenges. It partners with health organizations, maintains strong ties with doctors and trade union groups and publishes its organ 'FMRAI News' every month which has a circulation of more than 50000 issues.




Sub Units


Satelite Units